Case Study: A Holistic Approach to Fertility Acupuncture and Unexplained Infertility

At our fertility acupuncture clinic, we believe in a comprehensive approach to fertility. Our care extends far beyond acupuncture alone. We recognise the emotional, physical, and medical complexity of the fertility journey, which is why we thoroughly assess our clients’ fertility health, seeking answers where others may have overlooked crucial factors.

One of our recent success stories demonstrates how an integrative, investigative approach can make a significant difference in a couple’s fertility journey. Here’s how we helped a client overcome previous IVF failures and pregnancy loss –

When our 37-year-old client first came to us, she had already been through three rounds of IVF and had experienced two miscarriages. Like many, she was told by her fertility clinic that her difficulties were likely due to her low AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) levels and poor egg quality. However, we knew it wasn’t simply a case of ‘bad luck.’

Rather than accepting a generic explanation, we set out to investigate the underlying causes of her fertility challenges and recurrent miscarriages.

The Investigative Process

Vaginal Microbiome Health:

One of the first areas we explored was her vaginal microbiome. Despite not displaying any obvious symptoms, testing revealed a high level of dysbiosis. This imbalance often involves a reduction in protective lactobacillus, allowing more harmful bacteria to thrive. Research has shown a connection between dysbiosis and miscarriage, so this was a significant finding.

We worked to restore the balance of her microbiome, an essential but often overlooked aspect of reproductive health.

Male Factor Infertility:

Next, we turned our attention to her husband’s sperm health. While the focus is often on the female partner, male fertility is just as critical. We ordered a comprehensive semen analysis and a sperm DNA fragmentation test to assess the integrity of the sperm at a deeper level. Improving sperm quality can have a substantial impact on the success of conception and healthy embryo development.

Thyroid Health:

Thyroid function is another crucial component of fertility. A comprehensive thyroid test revealed that the client had an undiagnosed thyroid condition, likely overlooked by her previous clinic. Thyroid imbalances can interfere with hormone levels, implantation, and overall pregnancy success, so treating this condition was a key step in improving her fertility.

Autoimmune Investigations:

Beyond the thyroid, we also explored possible autoimmune factors. A positive antinuclear antibody (ANA) test suggested the presence of an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune issues can interfere with the body’s ability to sustain a pregnancy.

To confirm this, we referred the client for reproductive immunology testing. These tests revealed immune dysfunction, including elevated natural killer (NK) cells. High NK cell levels can attack an embryo, leading to implantation failure or miscarriage, so addressing this issue was vital.

After uncovering these hidden factors, we were able to take action. I collaborated with a fertility clinic specialising in immunology to develop a treatment plan tailored specifically to the client’s needs. This plan included intralipid therapy, which has been shown to reduce NK cell activity, creating a more hospitable environment for embryo implantation.

With her immunological issues now under control, the client underwent another round of IVF. This time, her body responded much more favourably, resulting in six high-quality blastocysts that were frozen for future use. The improved egg quality and successful embryo development demonstrated the progress made by addressing her immune, microbiome, and thyroid health.

We are thrilled to share that the client is now in her 12th week of pregnancy, and everything is progressing well. While her journey was long and challenging, the outcome proves that a comprehensive and holistic approach can make a profound difference. By looking beyond surface-level diagnoses and exploring factors such as the vaginal microbiome, sperm health, thyroid function, and immune system health, we were able to help this couple overcome their fertility challenges.

This case study exemplifies why fertility acupuncture is not just about needles; it’s about working with couples to address all aspects of their fertility health. Many of our clients have been told they have ‘unexplained infertility,’ but as this case shows, there is often more to the story.

We aim to be detectives, searching for underlying causes that may have been overlooked, whether it’s immune system dysfunction, male factor infertility, or hormonal imbalances. With personalised treatment plans, we help our clients regain control of their fertility journey, saving them time, money, and heartache.

If you’re struggling with infertility or have experienced IVF failure, miscarriage, or ‘unexplained’ fertility issues, we encourage you to explore a more holistic, investigative approach to your care. Acupuncture can be an essential part of this process, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle. We work closely with other specialists to ensure you’re receiving the best possible advice, testing, and treatment for your unique situation.

You can book a free 15-minute discovery call or go straight to a consultation here.

For couples on a fertility journey experiencing a Miscarriage is devastating. Whilst around 70% of couples who suffer a miscarriage go on to have healthy pregnancies, it’s not the case for all. Some couples  experience what is known as recurrent miscarriage. Whilst there are standard recurrent miscarriage tests, this does not always lead to answers and some couples spend many challenging years dealing with pregnancy loss without knowing why.

One of the primary reasons for miscarriage is because of chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus, which affects the growth and development resulting in miscarriage. Around 50% of miscarriages can be explained by chromosome abnormalities.

The issues is that because the majority of couples do go on to have a healthy pregnancy getting the investigations needed after a miscarriage can be hard, with many health professionals suggesting couples just ‘try again’ This approach for many leads to further emotional and physical challenges if another miscarriage is suffered. 

At present the NHS guidelines state that couples must have had three consecutive miscarriages before they are referred for the recurrent miscarriage tests. This can be very frustrating for couples who want to understand why they are experiencing multiple losses. Some of  tests offered by the NHS include Screening for blood clotting disorders and for structural issues within the uterus.

 In cases of recurrent pregnancy loss, more complex factors often come into play. Genetic testing, called karyotyping, is offered to parents who have experienced two or more miscarriages. Karyotyping involves testing the chromosomes of both partners to identify any potential abnormalities that could lead to pregnancy loss. However, many couples with recurrent miscarriages may find that the test results do not reveal a specific cause, and they are left without answers.

At our clinic At Source Acupuncture, we believe that earlier testing, after two miscarriages, could provide crucial insights and faster solutions. Offering timely testing and intervention could help to reduce the number of recurrent miscarriages and support couples in their journey to achieve a healthy pregnancy sooner.

For some couples, the standard recurrent miscarriage tests may not reveal a clear cause. In these cases, it’s important to explore other potential contributing factors to miscarriage, such as hormonal imbalances, infections, sperm health, and immune system dysfunction During consultations at our fertility acupuncture clinic, we investigate various aspects of both partners’ health and fertility history to explore potential factors that may be contributing to recurrent pregnancy loss.

Here are some areas we focus on during these consultations:

Low Progesterone Levels

Progesterone is a critical hormone that supports the early stages of pregnancy by maintaining the uterine lining and facilitating embryo implantation. Low levels of progesterone can result in a weak uterine lining, leading to an inability to sustain a pregnancy. Testing progesterone levels during the luteal phase (after ovulation) of the menstrual cycle can reveal whether hormone supplementation is needed to support a healthy pregnancy. 

Infection and Vaginal Microbiome Health

Infections within the reproductive tract, such as bacterial vaginosis, can disrupt the vaginal microbiome and affect pregnancy outcomes. The balance of bacteria in the vaginal environment is crucial for preventing infections and creating a healthy environment for implantation. Infections and microbial imbalances may not be detected during routine testing but can play a role in recurrent miscarriages. Screening for infections and ensuring a healthy microbiome can be a vital step in reducing miscarriage risk.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation

While much of the focus in miscarriage investigations tends to be on the woman’s health, the quality of sperm also plays a crucial role in successful pregnancies. Sperm DNA fragmentation refers to breaks or damage in the genetic material within the sperm, which can lead to problems in embryo development. Testing for sperm DNA fragmentation may provide insights into whether sperm health is contributing to miscarriages, and strategies such as lifestyle changes or specific supplements can improve sperm quality.

Reproductive Immunology Testing

Another area that has gained attention in recent years is reproductive immunology, which focuses on how the immune system interacts with pregnancy. In some cases, the immune system may mistakenly attack the embryo, leading to miscarriage. Testing for immune-related issues, such as elevated natural killer (NK) cells, can reveal whether the immune system is playing a role in recurrent miscarriages. Treatments like immunosuppressive therapies may be considered for couples with abnormal immune responses during pregnancy.

Experiencing multiple miscarriages can be emotionally devastating, and the wait for answers can feel endless. By advocating for earlier intervention and exploring a broader range of tests, couples may be able to identify and address underlying issues sooner, reducing the likelihood of further miscarriages.

At our fertility acupuncture clinic, we believe in taking a proactive approach to reproductive health and supporting couples with tailored care. During consultations, our practitioners, like Anna, delve deeply into your health history, asking detailed questions about your menstrual cycle, hormone levels, lifestyle factors, and previous pregnancies to build a comprehensive picture of your fertility. By doing so, we can recommend tests that go beyond the standard karyotyping and explore other potential causes of miscarriage.

Miscarriage is a heart-wrenching experience that many couples face, but with earlier intervention and a more holistic approach to testing, it is possible to identify potential causes and support a healthy pregnancy. While chromosomal abnormalities are responsible for many miscarriages, couples experiencing recurrent losses may benefit from exploring hormonal imbalances, infections, sperm health, and immune issues.

At our clinic, At Source Acupuncture, we are dedicated to helping couples on their fertility journey by providing compassionate, individualised care and advocating for earlier testing after two miscarriages, rather than waiting for the third. By doing so, we hope to empower couples with the information and resources they need to achieve the healthy pregnancy they’ve been dreaming of.

To book a free 15-minute discovery call or skip straight to a consultation click here.

When facing fertility challenges, the rush to start treatment at a fertility clinic can be overwhelming. However, taking a step back and preparing your body properly can significantly improve your chances of conceiving naturally or having a successful IVF treatment. 

At our fertility acupuncture clinic, we believe in the importance of a well-rounded approach to fertility, emphasising preparation and holistic health optimisation.

Usually when you end up at an IVF fertility clinic they encourage you to start treatment very quickly. However, unless you have been doing your preparation work for at least 3 months prior and working with a specialist who is able to help you investigate why you aren’t conceiving while helping you to optimise your health and fertility, it’s very likely that a lot more can be done to a) help you to avoid IVF in the first place or b) increase your chances of a successful IVF. 

It’s true that it takes about three months for oocytes (eggs) to mature and be ready for ovulation. However, the health of these tiny egg cells is influenced long before this period. The actions you take in the six months leading up to conception or IVF can profoundly impact egg quality. By focusing on health, nutrition, and your menstrual cycle, you can create the optimal environment for egg development.

If you are considering IVF, here are some essential tips to help you prepare:

Start Early: Ideally, begin your preparation 3-6 months before starting IVF treatment.

Manage Stress: Clear your work schedule and focus only on essential tasks to minimize stress.

Nutrition and Supplements: Eat nutritious foods and maintain a consistent supplement regimen.

Move at Your Own Pace: Don’t rush into IVF if you don’t feel ready. Take the time you need.

Mental Health: Prioritize self-care and look after your mental health to ensure you are emotionally prepared.

Did you know that acupuncture can increase the chances of a successful IVF by up to 33%? Acupuncture works by improving blood flow to the reproductive organs, reducing stress, and balancing hormones. It’s a powerful tool that can enhance both natural conception and IVF outcomes.

At our fertility acupuncture clinic, our holistic approach considers all aspects of your wellbeing, ensuring you are in the best possible position to achieve a healthy pregnancy.If you’re ready to take control of your fertility journey, follow this link to schedule a discovery call or skip straight to a consultation.

In today’s fast-paced world, understanding our bodies can often take a backseat. However, when it comes to menstrual health, taking the time to track and understand your cycle can have profound benefits. Whether you’re looking to conceive, manage symptoms of PMS, or simply get a better grasp of your overall health, tracking your menstrual cycle is a powerful tool.

Why Track Your Menstrual Cycle?

Tracking your menstrual cycle means noting down all the signs and symptoms you experience throughout the month. This can include ovulation pain, PMS before your period, changes in cervical mucus, the quality of your bleed (e.g., heavy, light, days of spotting), and energy levels around your bleed. 

By paying attention to these details, you can gain important insights into how your hormones are behaving and identify areas that may need attention. This practice helps you live in harmony with your menstrual cycle, making it work for you, not against you.

Understanding the patterns in your cycle can highlight hormonal imbalances. This knowledge allows for targeted adjustments in lifestyle or treatments to promote balance.

Tracking your cycle helps identify your fertile windows and potential issues with ovulation. This information is crucial for anyone trying to conceive, as a well-balanced cycle increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Improved menstrual health can lead to better overall well-being. By recognizing and addressing hormonal fluctuations, you can enhance both your reproductive health and general health.

Tailoring treatments and lifestyle changes to support your unique cycle ensures that your approach is personalised and effective. Whether you’re looking to conceive or simply want to understand your body better, tracking provides a roadmap to optimal health.

Charting Your Basal Body Temperature

One of the most effective ways to understand your menstrual cycle is by charting your Basal Body Temperature (BBT). This simple daily practice can reveal a lot about your hormonal interactions. By supporting your menstrual cycle, it becomes easier to track your fertile days and identify where your hormones might need some tender loving care. Below is an example of an irregular BBT chart, often seen in those under stress, with no clear signs of ovulation.

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How to Chart Your BBT:

1. Purchase a fertility thermometer

2. Download an app: Use an app like Kindra to chart your temperature.

3. Take your temperature: Do this as soon as you wake up in the morning before getting out of bed or having a drink.

4. Ensure uninterrupted sleep: You must have had at least 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep before taking your temperature.

5. Chart for at least 3 months: This duration helps you understand your hormonal patterns.

The work I do with clients at our fertility acupuncture clinic aims to balance their cycles and ensure their hormones are in harmony. Below is an example of a well-balanced cycle, which is what we aim for in treatment, as we know a pregnancy is more likely to occur with a chart like this compared to one that is more erratic.

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By tracking your menstrual cycle and BBT, you gain valuable insights into your reproductive health. This proactive approach allows you to maintain hormonal balance, support fertility, and improve your overall health. Start charting today and take control of your menstrual health journey!

If you would like any help with your fertility journey then please book a complimentary discovery call or skip straight to a consultation here.

At our Fertility Acupuncture clinic we can now offer medical phlebotomy and can carry out a wide range of tests including Day 2/3 LH, FSH and Oestrogen, to AMH levels and a Full Thyroid Panel. 

The day 2/3 tests FSH and LH are among the first tests that will be run by your GP when you’re trying to conceive. There is often a lot of fear around an elevated FSH reading as it can signify peri menopause and an anticipated poorer response for those starting IVF.

FSH Is one of the major reproductive hormones, which is always the first starting point along with LH (luteinising hormone) to be tested when you are TTC. But why is it important? How does is relate to our AMH levels and egg health? And what does it actually mean if it is high? Here are some factors to keep in mind when having your FSH tested. 

Follicle Stimulating Hormone, commonly referred to as FSH, is a gonadotropin—a type of hormone that plays a pivotal role in regulating the reproductive processes. It is produced and secreted by the pituitary gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain. 

FSH is involved in the development of reproductive cells, including sperm in men and eggs in women. FSH is often used as a marker to predict how well you will respond to IVF drugs as when elevated along with LH it can be a maker of perimenopause.

FSH stimulates the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles in the ovaries. Each follicle contains an egg, and without adequate FSH, these follicles cannot develop properly.

As the ovarian follicles mature, they produce oestrogen, a hormone crucial for regulating the menstrual cycle and preparing the uterine lining for potential pregnancy. These hormones are in a constant dance together communicating and regulating our menstrual cycle, when one of them becomes out of balance it has a knock on affect on our other reproductive hormones, as each cycle is influenced by previous cycles. 

FSH levels are taken on day 2/3 of your menstrual cycle, this is when the hormone will be at its baseline, as it prepares for the start of a new menstrual cycle. When FSH is elevated on day 2 of a cycle it means it has been recruiting follicles too early, which will have an impact on the rest of your cycle and can often cause early ovulation. 

FSH levels will fluctuate between menstrual cycles, and is influenced by a number of factors including the progesterone levels in the previous cycle.  FSH and AMH are the communication channel between the brain and the ovaries and one impacts the other, often as FSH increases AMH will decrease. 

FSH levels are influenced by stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, even the act of having blood taken can cause stress leading to an elevated reading. It’s really important when comparing your readings you make sure you have recreated the same environment such as having a similar amount of sleep, fasting or non fasting, and making sure they are done at the same lab. 

One high reading is not enough to say you are in peri menopause, results must be looked at within the context of the other hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, and it should always be taken into consideration if a lifestyle factor has lead to an elevated reading.

Working on stress reduction, making sure we have enough intimacy which positively affects parts of our brain that releases FSH, as well as ensuring you have enough sunlight and moonlight exposure which helps our production of melatonin which can lead to better sleep quality and lower FSH. For those who aren’t able to get enough sunlight red light therapy can be very beneficial. 

FSH levels can be measured through a simple blood test which can be completed here at our Fertility Acupuncture clinic. 

Whether you are planning to start a family or simply want to understand your body better, knowing about FSH and its functions can provide valuable insights. If you have concerns about your hormone levels, it’s always a good idea to have a fertility specialist, like myself, guide you through the appropriate tests and treatments.

Choosing an IVF clinic can be a difficult decision and myclients often tell me they feel like just another number to the clinic, with a one size fits all treatment approach. Finding the right clinic for you can make a difference in the outcome of your treatment. Also, depending on your age and own fertility needs, the right clinic can vary.  

I’m often asked in our fertility acupuncture clinic – What makes a good IVF clinic? This is because the only things that clients have to go on are the clinics online stats and live birth rates. 

However, stats can often be misleading as to have a live birth you need to have had a transfer. Often a clinic will not include in these statistics any data on how many patients did not get to the embryo transfer stage. This is a very important static which will help you get an idea of the overall performance of the clinic. Look for a clinic that is open and transparent with their statics when you ask. 

Having frequent scans and your hormone levels measured during treatment means clinics can make important changes during your treatment where needed.  The closer your clinic monitor you throughout your cycle the better, this way any changes in dosage can be done. 

Questions to ask your chose IVF clinic

How many patients come for treatment but don’t get to embryo transfer stage?

How often with you scan me? 

Will you take my hormone levels throughout my cycle?

Will you check my progesterone levels before I have mytransfer?

Do you add medication into my cycle to keep me in line with the clinic opening times etc or will you see me for scans and treatment that are dictated by how I am responding to treatment? 

At our fertility acupuncture clinic, At Source Acupuncture, we can help you to prepare for your IVF treatment. If you would like to find out more about how we can do this, then please book a discovery call here.

One fundamental aspect of fertility assessments is medical phlebotomy, a procedure vital for collecting blood samples to analyze various hormonal levels and markers relevant to fertility.

We are pleased that we are now able to offer medical phlebotomy at our fertility acupuncture clinic!

We can now take your blood within your appointment to save you with the dreaded home finger pricks tests or visiting a hospital. Venous blood rather than finger prick is more likely to give a high level of accuracy which is very important when it comes to hormone levels. 

Below are just some of the tests we can now run, to help assess you during your fertility journey: 

Day 3 LH, FSH and Estrogen

Day 3 LH, FSH, and estrogen are tests that are commonly performed to help gain insight into the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. Often these hormones can highlight hormonal imbalances. 

Luteinizing Hormone (LH):

LH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. In women, LH plays a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle and ovulation. On Day 3 of the menstrual cycle, LH levels are typically low. Elevated levels of LH on Day 3 may indicate conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Abnormal LH levels can affect follicle development and ovulation, potentially impacting fertility.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH):

FSH is another hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, it stimulates the ovaries to develop eggs for ovulation. It can be elevated with stress. FSH levels reach highest levels during menopause. 


Estrogen is primarily produced by the ovaries. It plays a critical role in regulating the menstrual cycle, promoting the growth and maturation of the uterine lining, and facilitating ovulation. Estrogen levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, with higher levels before ovulation and lower levels around menstruation. Healthy Estrogen levels are important for fertility. Higher levels are linked with conditions such as endometriosis. Elevated levels can also suppress FSH levels, as the two work as a check and a balance system. The two should be taken together on day 2/3 of your menstrual cycle. 

Full Thyroid Panel

A full thyroid panel is essential for assessing thyroid function and its impact on fertility. Individuals experiencing fertility challenges should consider thyroid testing as part of their comprehensive fertility evaluation. Identifying and addressing thyroid disorders can help optimise reproductive health and improve the chances of conception and successful pregnancy.

AMH Levels

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) level tests are an essential. AMH is a hormone produced by the small follicles in the ovaries, however it can not tell you how many eggs are left in reserve, AMH levels also do not predict time to pregnancy. AMH levels must be used as part of the fertility jigsaw and should not be used alone to make recommendations on fertility treatment. To find out more please read our AMH blog.

Seeking guidance from fertility specialists can help navigate this journey towards parenthood with knowledge and confidence. If you would like to book a discovery call to find out more about how we can help you at our fertility acupuncture clinic then please click here. Please remember that for those starting treatment, arranging your initial consultation on day 2-3 of your menstrual cycle will mean we can get your base line hormones tested. When TTC it’s important to have these done every 6 months as things can change.

Progesterone helps to prepare the endometrium (lining of your uterus) for an embryo to implant and develop, if conception occurs then progesterone levels increase to support early pregnancy until the placenta takes over between 10-12 weeks gestation. 

Issue can arise such as little or no progesterone production from the ovaries or poorly developed follicles that do not secrete enough progesterone to develop the uterine lining. This can lead to problems in conceiving and for some it can be a reason for recurrent miscarriage. 

Some women notice that there luteal phases is insufficient which is known as luteal phase deficiency which is where the luteal phase ( the time between ovulation and bleed is less than 10 days. A short luteal phase can result in embryos not implanting and difficulty in conceiving. 

Acupuncture can be very beneficial at supporting progesterone levels and luteal phase deficiencies. Some of the ways that acupuncture can support progesterone levels and luteal phase deficiencies are through:

Stress Reduction: Acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress levels by affecting the release of neurotransmitters and hormones such as cortisol. High stress levels can disrupt the balance of reproductive hormones, including progesterone. By reducing stress, acupuncture may indirectly help balance progesterone levels.

Regulating the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis: The HPA axis plays a crucial role in regulating stress responses and hormone production, including progesterone. Acupuncture may modulate the activity of the HPA axis, leading to more balanced hormone levels.

Improving Blood Circulation: Acupuncture can enhance blood circulation to reproductive organs, including the ovaries and uterus. Improved blood flow may support ovarian function and hormone production, including progesterone.

Modulating Neurotransmitters: Acupuncture may influence the release and activity of neurotransmitters involved in hormone regulation, such as serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters can indirectly affect the production and balance of reproductive hormones such as progesterone. 

Here at our fertility acupuncture clinic, At source Acupuncture, we have a range of hormone tests that can help un identify hormonal imbalances such as the DUTCH test which gives comprehensive insight into hormonal imbalance.

The DUTCH test, which stands for “Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones,” is a relatively new method for assessing hormone levels in the body. It’s a comprehensive hormone panel that utilizes dried urine samples to provide a detailed analysis of hormone metabolites. The DUTCH test measures a wide range of hormones including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, and their metabolites. It provides a more comprehensive picture of hormone levels and how they are metabolized in the body compared to blood or saliva tests.

If you regularly have a short luteal phase, have spotting in the days leading up to your period or suspect low progesterone maybe a factor for your TTC then come and talk to us today about what treatment options are available. If you would like to book a discovery call to find out more about how we can help you at our fertility acupuncture clinic then please click here.

AMH, or Anti-Müllerian Hormone, is a hormone produced by cells in developing egg sacs (follicles) in the ovaries. AMH levels are often measured as part of fertility assessments.

However, it cannot tell you how many eggs are left in reserve, AMH levels also do not predict time to pregnancy. AMH levels must be used as part of the fertility jigsaw and should not be used alone to make recommendations on fertility treatment.. 

The measurement of AMH levels is commonly used in fertility assessments, especially for women who are considering fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). It can provide information about a woman’s potential response to ovarian stimulation.

I often get asked, in my Fertility Acupuncture clinic, if AMH levels can increase and the short answer is yes. Let me explain…

While we know that AMH levels do slowly decrease as we age, there are other factors that can prematurely reduce AMH levels, such as inflammation caused by endometriosis digestive disorders and other health conditions. infections, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, anaemia, poor blood sugar control, poor sleep, autoimmune issues and more. if these areas can be identified and improved then AMH levels can increase. 

A big part of the work I do with clients is to work out whether there are any factors like the ones listed above that could be negatively impacting AMH levels and the ovarian environment. Once we know what we are dealing with we can work on improving this area, which improves fertility outcomes and for those that need IVF a better response is noted. 

Often low AMH levels are stated as how close someone maybe to the menopause, but some people are shown to have low AMH for decades and still continue to have regular healthy menstrual cycles. For some they have a naturally low AMH and have no issues conceiving. Low AMH levels don’t automatically mean poorer egg quality.

AMH levels are typically measured through a blood test. Research has shown that AMH levels can half and double in a menstrual cycle so when comparing  your results make sure they have been taken at the same time in your cycle, I recommend day 2/3 for consistency, here is some research that shows that AMH can fluctuate within a menstrual cycle *

From  the beginning of March I will have completed my medical phlebotomy training, which means I will be able to offer your hormone and health blood tests (including testing for your AMH levels) during your appointment, saving you from the dreaded finger prick blood tests or having to get down to your local hospital. 

If you would like to receive more support around your AMH levels or If you’re feeling lost on your fertility journey and want someone to put you back on track, come and see me for a fertility acupuncture consultation, I absolutely love helping clients become parents! 

If you would like to book a complimentary discovery call or skip straight to a consultation then please click here.

* Khodavirdilou, R., Pournaghi, M., Rastgar Rezaei, Y., Hajizadeh, K., Khodavirdilou, L., Javid, F., Hamdi, K., Shahnazi, M., Nouri, M., Fattahi, A., Beckmann, M. W., & Dittrich, R. (2022). Does Anti-Müllerian hormone vary during a menstrual cycle? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of ovarian research, 15(1), 78.

A new year signifies a fresh look on your fertility journey. Not all fertility consultations have to be the same, and here at At Source Acupuncture we offer a different approach. 

Anna offers a space where you are properly heard instead of being dismissed. Where you can receive logical answers to your fertility concerns backed up by research and in a way that you don’t need a medical degree to understand. 

When you come for a consultation with Anna you will feel like there is someone who understands your situation rather just feeling like another number in a larger fertility clinic.

For some of you a new year signifies another birthday and we know one of the biggest worries women have on their fertility journey is their age. 

Age is given as the biggest factor in a women’s ability to conceive but it’s not just your chronological age (how long you’ve existed) that counts. 

We know that fertility declines slowly as we age, however your biological age is also very important. This means the rate in which you are aging physically and it differs between people.

This means that to some extend it’s not just about how many birthdays you have had but your habits and environment through the years. This means that we have some control over the aging process and by looking after our bodies we can affect our biological age.

Biological age is affected by epigenetics which means how our behaviours and environment can change the way our genes work. 

Maintaining your health is important when aiming to slow down the decline of your fertility. This includes:

Eating healthy: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support overall health and hormone regulation. We recommend a Mediterranean diet as an ideal basis for receiving all of your nutrients. 

Regular Exercise: Regular exercise is really important to keep the body and mind healthy. Exercise around your Menstrual cycle which means doing more high intensity exercise near ovulation when you have an increase in oestrogen and testosterone and Choosing more restorative exercise such as yoga around your period when your hormones are at their lowest. Exercise until you feel energised not depleted.

Stopping Smoking: Women who smoke are twice as likely to be infertile as non-smokers. This is true if you are trying to become pregnant for the first time and if you have been pregnant before. Smoking can also affect the success rates of fertility treatment, such as IVF (In vitro fertilisation).

Reducing Alcohol Consumption: If you drink while trying to get pregnant, you may find it harder to conceive. You don’t need to drink large amounts of alcohol for this to happen. Even drinking between one and five alcoholic drinks per week can reduce your fertility.

Maintaining Healthy Sleep: Sleep is one of the foundations of good fertility. At night our endocrine system, which regulates our homes is actively producing hormones that are key in fertility such as oestrogen, progesterone, LH and FSH. 

If you’re feeling lost on your fertility journey and want someone to put you back on track, come and see me for a fertility acupuncture consultation, I absolutely love helping clients become parents! 

If you would like to book a complimentary discovery call or skip straight to a consultation then please click here.