Can AMH Levels Increase?

AMH, or Anti-Müllerian Hormone, is a hormone produced by cells in developing egg sacs (follicles) in the ovaries. AMH levels are often measured as part of fertility assessments.

However, it cannot tell you how many eggs are left in reserve, AMH levels also do not predict time to pregnancy. AMH levels must be used as part of the fertility jigsaw and should not be used alone to make recommendations on fertility treatment.. 

The measurement of AMH levels is commonly used in fertility assessments, especially for women who are considering fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). It can provide information about a woman’s potential response to ovarian stimulation.

I often get asked, in my Fertility Acupuncture clinic, if AMH levels can increase and the short answer is yes. Let me explain…

While we know that AMH levels do slowly decrease as we age, there are other factors that can prematurely reduce AMH levels, such as inflammation caused by endometriosis digestive disorders and other health conditions. infections, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, anaemia, poor blood sugar control, poor sleep, autoimmune issues and more. if these areas can be identified and improved then AMH levels can increase. 

A big part of the work I do with clients is to work out whether there are any factors like the ones listed above that could be negatively impacting AMH levels and the ovarian environment. Once we know what we are dealing with we can work on improving this area, which improves fertility outcomes and for those that need IVF a better response is noted. 

Often low AMH levels are stated as how close someone maybe to the menopause, but some people are shown to have low AMH for decades and still continue to have regular healthy menstrual cycles. For some they have a naturally low AMH and have no issues conceiving. Low AMH levels don’t automatically mean poorer egg quality.

AMH levels are typically measured through a blood test. Research has shown that AMH levels can half and double in a menstrual cycle so when comparing  your results make sure they have been taken at the same time in your cycle, I recommend day 2/3 for consistency, here is some research that shows that AMH can fluctuate within a menstrual cycle *

From  the beginning of March I will have completed my medical phlebotomy training, which means I will be able to offer your hormone and health blood tests (including testing for your AMH levels) during your appointment, saving you from the dreaded finger prick blood tests or having to get down to your local hospital. 

If you would like to receive more support around your AMH levels or If you’re feeling lost on your fertility journey and want someone to put you back on track, come and see me for a fertility acupuncture consultation, I absolutely love helping clients become parents! 

If you would like to book a complimentary discovery call or skip straight to a consultation then please click here.

* Khodavirdilou, R., Pournaghi, M., Rastgar Rezaei, Y., Hajizadeh, K., Khodavirdilou, L., Javid, F., Hamdi, K., Shahnazi, M., Nouri, M., Fattahi, A., Beckmann, M. W., & Dittrich, R. (2022). Does Anti-Müllerian hormone vary during a menstrual cycle? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of ovarian research, 15(1), 78.

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